Free EAN Codes - Is it real or is it a scam?
We are often asked about the few companies who appear to offer "free" EAN numbers and barcodes. You may have seen advertisement with phrases such as: "Get a free EAN bar code with your replication order." or "Our company offers a FREE of charge unique EAN bar code number for any title we manufacture for you." So, are the "free" EAN Codes a scam?

The Answer - Many "Free EAN Codes" are a scam but ALL of them are a dangerous gamble!
A number of the companies making claims of issuing free EAN codes are outright scams. Instead of assigning you an official EAN number, these firms simply use barcode graphing software and enter a random 13-digit number. When you finally take your product to your retailer you may find that this number is either completely invalid or, as happens more frequently, has already been officially issued to another firm's product. As a result, the retailer/distributor will refuse to carry your product and you will have to remake your entire inventory using a real barcode instead of the bogus free EAN code.

Do you really own a free EAN code?
No, ownership is not transfered to your company. So, if this company goes out of business, merges, gets bought out, or otherwise takes an action that causes their GS1 (formerly UCC) membership to expire, your barcodes will immediately become invalid and GS1 will lease them to another company. As a result, your retailers/distributors will discontinue your existing products as well as, in some cases, impose large fines.

How is Simply Barcodes different?
1) We sell authentic and official EAN numbers, including the barcode graphic.

2) Our EAN codes are authentic and valid GS1 (formerly UCC) issued barcodes. So, there is no danger of cross-over or duplication.

3) You receive full ownership rights of your number(s) when you purchase from us.

For further information on the process, please review our Home page.


For more information regarding EAN codes / barcodes:
Call 877-768-4977 (toll-free) or 1-404-885-6066 (international)

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